
Appendix - Viewing Certificate Template Locally During Development

For institutes using the legacy renderers prior to v2.0 changes, certificate templates have been moved from the Opencerts-Website repository to the Legacy-Templates repository.

Previously, template developers will have to first issue the certificate before the template could be developed. We have upgraded the experience allow developers to work on unissued certificates to reduce the feedback cycle.

To run the legacy template project:

npm install
npm run dev

The project will now run at localhost:3000. However, that page will be a blank page as certificate data has not been passed into the page.

File Structure for Legacy Templates

To do so, we have included a helper html file to help you inject your certificate into the page. You can find the file at /test/index.html.

Certificate Code

To do so, we have included a helper html file to help you inject your certificate into the page. You can find the file at /test/index.html. You will be able to click on the Render Certificate button to render a certificate.

Certificate Code

The test file includes a demo certificate, to develop on your institute’s certificate simply change the certificate file to your institute’s. Do take note that the certificate constants is using the certificate data prior to batch processing them.

For details on how to develop the template, continue to refer to the guide.