
Ledger Nano Initialisation Procedure

Important security notice:

Refrain from using the same physical wallet for development and production environment. Treat the hardware wallet it as how you will treat secret keys. The production wallet should only be handled by authorised staff in your institute and should not be handled by third-parties without the institute’s approval and supervision.

Your institute may want to purchase two hardware wallet for purpose of development.

Pre-requisites to begin procedure:

Required participants
Required equipment

Initialisation Procedure

  1. (Wallet device holder) Unpack device from the original packaging, use included Micro USB cable to attach device to computer

  2. (Wallet device holder) Ledger Nano S device will power on automatically welcome.JPG

  3. (Wallet device holder) Choose setup as new device configure as new device.JPG

Handover to PIN holder
  1. (PIN holder) Set PIN choose a pin code.JPG

  2. (PIN holder) Confirm PIN confirm pin code.JPG

Handover to recovery words holder
  1. (Recovery words holders) Record recovery phrase write down recovery phrase.JPG

  2. (Recovery words holders) Confirm recovery phrase

recovery phrase confirmation prompt.JPG

Handover to PIN holder
  1. (Pin holder) Configure Ledger Device settings as follows:

    Settings > Security > Auto Lock : 1 Minute

    settings security auto lock.jpg

  2. (PIN holder) Install Ledger Live application on the computer

  3. (PIN holder) If necessary, update firmware using Ledger Live

  4. (PIN holder) Install Ethereum app using Ledger Manager included in Ledger Live.

Note: Do NOT use the wallet address designated in Ledger Live, instead use the one on our admin website ethereum app.JPG

  1. (PIN holder) Configure Ethereum App settings as follows:

    Ethereum > Settings > Contract Data: yes ethereum app settings contract data.JPG

    Ethereum > Settings > Display Data: yes ethereum app settings display data.JPG

  2. Go to Https:// , switch selector to Ledger Nano Mainnet or Testnet (Address will be the same on both networks.) opencertsadmin ledger selector.png

  3. Click on refresh to see your wallet address for transferring ether to. If the wallet address does not show up, check that the Ledger Nano S is unlocked and has the Ethereum App activated. admin opencerts wallet address.png

  4. Do experiment with it on Testnet before going live! You can obtain testnet ethers from if you have Metamask, then send it from your Metamask wallet to your Ledger Nano S wallet address.

  5. Transfer some Ether to your wallet address as shown on the admin website before attempting to deploy a production store.

Things to try on testnet (Ropsten) before going live: